Photosprouts Photography Workshops
San Francisco | Palo Alto

Photosprouts Photography School

San Francisco


Books and online courses are everywhere—but trust San Francisco's top-rated photography school that consistently leads in-person classes.

Online Classes

In-depth Level 


 Landscape & Night Photography

ND & GND Filters Provided Upon Request

You might also want to sign up for the long exposure prep class, The Intermediate II Workshop

March 6th, 2022 Sunday


Sign up

Quick Facts

Workshop time


Length of workshop

5 hours

 3 Locations
Fort Point,
The Palace of Fine Arts & Lombard Street


Please drive your own vehicle

GND and ND filters provided upon request

Filter holders provided upon request 
(please state your lens type upon checkout)

Small class size

Max. 5



Insightful instruction

The workshop is more than a photo tour; you'll learn good amount of game-changing skills.

Photo editing
Free video tutorial after the class

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Have you wondered how to capture light trails and make the water look smooth and silky? 

It is long exposure.

Long exposure allows you to shoot the images that the human eye cannot see. 

Shooting long exposure images also requires special accessories, but we'll provide them all in this class.

These accessories are filter holders, ND and GND filters,

which come in many different types. For instance, ND64, GND0.9 and more.

Don't worry about the numbers, 

you'll learn them in the Intermediate II Workshop and this class through hands-on practices.

You might have already bought a nice camera (and lenses) after attending our Beginner & Intermediate Workshops. If you think it is time to move to take your skill to the next level, then this Long Exposure Class is for you., 

Part I

Landscape Photography

Part II

Night Photography

Its design was inspired by ancient Roman and Greek architecture.  

In this location, we are going to show you how to use a piece of black card in night photography and create this magical shot. 

*I blew up a 26 "x 38" photo that I shot at the Lombard Street and hang it up in my living room, it looks awesome. Every g   uest coming to my house just loved it! 

High Quality GND & ND Filters Provided

1) GND & ND Filters are provided during class:

  • ND: 6 stops, 100mm x 100mm
  • GND: 1, 2, 3, and 4 stops Soft Grad, 100mm x 150mm
  • Suitable all types of digital cameras except
  • Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED Lens
  • Nikon Nikkor Z 14-24mm F/2.8 S Lens
  • Micro 4/3s
  • Point & shoot cameras

2) Filter holders are provided upon request:

  • Please sign up at least two weeks in advance so that we can get you covered.
  • Please indicate your camera & wide-angle lens upon checkout, we are able to provide filter holders for common lens sizes.
  • First come first served. 

3) Important, please read:

We are able to provide filter holders for common lens diameters: 58mm, 67mm, 72mm and 77mm. Examples:

  • 58mm: Canon 18-55mm F3.5-5.6
  • 67mm: Canon 18-135mm F3.5-5.6, Canon 10-18mm F4-5.6, Tamron 17-28mm F2.8
  • 72mm: Nikon 16-80mm F2.8-4, Canon 20mm F2.8
  • 77mm: Canon/ Nikon 16-35mm F4, 24-70mm F2.8
  • We do not have filter holders for micro 4/3 lenses. If you are a micro 4/3 user, please purchase NiSi's M75 filter holders AND filters.

To find out the diameter of your lens, Google "Your_lens filter size"

E.g "Canon 16-35mm F4 filter size"


  • Do I need to bring my own camera?

    Attendees are expected to bring their own cameras & lenses for this workshop.

  • What lenses should I bring for this workshop?

    Recommended lenses for this workshop:

    1. Telephoto + Wide angle lenses are needed.

    2. The telephoto lens is useful in the Landscape Part ; the wide angle lenses are a must for both locations.

    3. Recomended equivalent focal lengths for the telephoto lens: minimum 200m

    4. Recomended equivalent focal lengths for the wide angle lens: 16mm (to get the S curve on Lombard street and the entire architecture of the Palace of Fine Arts), and 24mm (best for the Bay Bridge at Pier 14).

    5. Recommended lenses:

    • 16-35mm F.4
    • 17-40mm F4
    • 11-24mm F4
    • 24-70mm F2.8, F4
    • 24-105mm F4
    • 10-18mm F4.5-5.6
    • 18-135mm F3.5-5.6
    • 28-70mm F3.5-5.6
    • 70-200 F2.8
  • What is the prerequisite?

    The Beginner & Intermediate I or II Photography Workshops OR ability to use the manual mode of your camera: Attendees are required to adjust the exposure in the manual mode VERY proficiently.

  • What is the discount if I sign up for the Long Exposure Landscape Photography Workshop in the same day?

    Get $30 off when you sign up for this class and the Intermediate II Workshop (long exposure prep class)

    Use the code INT2LANNIG

  • I would like to learn the basics of using filters, what should I do?

    The Intermdiate II Workshop is perfect for you to learn the basics in Long Exposure! We will show you how to use ND and GND filters for creating long exposure photos, accessories are provided during the class.

  • What are the ND and GND Filters Provided?

    During the workshop, each attendee is provided with:

    One 6-stop ND filter (100mm x 100mm)

    Four GND filters (100mm x 150mm) of 1, 2, 3 and 4 stops

  • What is the list of equipment needed for this class?

    Not provided:

    • camera & lenses (not provided)
    • tripod (not provided)
    • shutter release cable (optional, not provided)

    Provided or provided upon request:

    • 6-Stop ND filter
    • multiple GND filters
    • filter holder (provided upon request)
    • Non-reflective black card or black cloth
  • Do I need to bring a tripod?

    Yes, a sturdy tripod is required for long exposure photography.

  • Do I need a shutter release cable?

    Yes, it is a must for capturing sharp images at night. Please test your shutter release cable to make sure it works before the class.

  • Are the hiking trails easy?

    Both locations are flat grounds, no hiking is required.

  • How do I edit the photos?

    We will send you a video clip after the workshop to show you how to edit the photos in Lightroom and Photoshop.

  • Any other reminders?

    Please pack light and dress warmly.

  • What happens if it rains?

    If the weather report suggested that there would be rain 3 hours before the workshop, then it will be postponed.


Landscape Photography

4:30pm-6:15pm: Long Exposure & Sunset photography at Fort Point (Golden Gate Bridge view)

Night Photography

6:45pm-8:00pm The Palace of Fine Art

8:15pm-9:30pm Lombard Street

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