Photosprouts Photography Workshops
San Francisco | Palo Alto

Photosprouts Photography Workshops

San Francisco


Books and online courses are everywhere—but trust San Francisco's top-rated photography school that consistently leads in-person classes.

Online Classes

Editing Class
Color Grading

A Game-changer for Photographers

Highlights of the class:

  • Color grading is a process to
  • enhance the color of an image base on color theory
  • bring out the vibe and aesthetic of an image
  • make the color POP

  • Learn the color grading workflow: using Photoshop and Lightroom Classic

  • Bonus tutorial: using High Pass Filter to smoothen the skin

  • Screen-recorded class

  • Note that Color Grading is not color correction.

Quick preview of the latest demonstration in the class.

Please read the Prerequisites
(This is not an intro class to Lightroom/ Photoshop)

  • Lightroom Classic

    It is expected that you know the basics of Lightroom: 

    1. Creating a catalogue
    2. Importing and exporting an image
    3. Cropping and basic editing
  • Photoshop

    It is expected that you are familiar with:

    1. Layer masks and brushes
    2. The clone tool
    3. Zooming in on an image
  • Software Requirement

    1. Lightroom Classic

    2. Photoshop 

What's in the class?

  • One raw file to edit

  • Four videos showing you how to edit the raw image:

  1. The workflow
  2. Step 1
  3. Step 2
  4. Step 3

  • One bonus video
  • One latest demo video (Old Gas Station, as at 4/19/2022)

The raw file

The videos will show you how to turn it to this:

A bonus video on how to edit this image:

The Bonus Video


How I applied Color Grading in my work (not included in the video):

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