Photosprouts Photography Workshops
San Francisco | Palo Alto

Photosprouts Photography Workshops

San Francisco


My name is Christina, the founder and educator of Photosprouts Photography Workshops.


My goal is to share my photography passion and skills. I started photography 10 years ago and I was a terrible learner who skipped classes and day-dreamed in the lectures.


It was not until my good friends asked me to take engagement photos for them that I started linking the dots together. I was so blessed by the fact that I met a lot of great photography teachers who inspired me in my artistic journey.


You have to learn to shoot in the MANUAL MODE in order to capture awesome images. It is easier than you think, all you need to know is 5 buttons and lots of practices. Start shooting in MANUAL MODE today and you'll be amazed at your work after 2 weeks. Here's the cheat sheet I promised to send you, click the Download button below.


You can also sign-up for our Beginners 101, 102 and 103 to master using MANUAL MODE to capture beautiful images anywhere under any kind of conditions.
Download Your Cheat Sheet Here
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